Pegasus Books

Tastes Like Chicken: A History of America’s Favorite Bird

From the domestication of the bird nearly ten thousand years ago to its current status as our go-to meat, the history of this seemingly commonplace bird is anything but ordinary. How did chicken achieve the culinary ubiquity it enjoys today? It’s hard to imagine, but there was a point in history, not terribly long ago, that individual people …

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The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary

At once familiar and exotic, spices are rare things, comforting us in favorite dishes while evoking far-flung countries, Arabian souks, colonial conquests, and vast fortunes. A tasty compendium of spices and a fascinating history and wide array of uses of the world’s favorite flavors―The Book of Spice reveals the amazing history of spices both familiar and esoteric. John O’Connell’s …

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Cake: A Slice of History

Cake can evoke thoughts of home, comfort someone at a time of grief or celebrate a birth or new love.  It is a maker of memories, a marker of identities, and delicious!It was the year 878 A.D., and a man claims sanctuary in a small village home in Wessex.  To the surprise of the villager, the man is …

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The Book of Spice: From Anise to Zedoary

At once familiar and exotic, spices are rare things, comforting us in favorite dishes while evoking far-flung countries, Arabian souks, colonial conquests and vast fortunes.  John O’Connell introduces us to spices and their unique properties, both medical and magical, alongside the fascinating histories behind both kitchen staples and esoteric luxuries.  A tasty compendium of spices and a fascinating …

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