Inc. / PrintHouse Books

Making Groceries: A story of Creole Cooking from a Creole family

“Making Groceries” – Makin’ Groceries is a New Orleans term that, simply put, means going to the grocery store to buy or purchase groceries. Ask any stranger what they think of when you mention “New Orleans” and more often than not “the food” is the first thing that they rave about. Making Groceries is just the beginning of …

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Making Groceries: A story of Creole Cooking from a Creole family

“Making Groceries” – Makin’ Groceries is a New Orleans term that, simply put, means going to the grocery store to buy or purchase groceries. Ask any stranger what they think of when you mention “New Orleans” and more often than not “the food” is the first thing that they rave about. Making Groceries …

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