
Beckett’s Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use

Since the publication of the first edition of Industrial Chocolate Manufacture and Use in 1988, it has become the leading technical book for the industry. From the beginning it was recognised that the complexity of the chocolate industry means that no single person can be an expert in every aspect of it. For example, the academic view of …

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Dates: Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Health Benefits

Dates are an important fruit, especially in many African, Middle-Eastern and Asian countries. In recent years this fruit has gained significant importance in terms of global commerce. During the period 1990–2009, global production of dates saw an increase of 219% and this trend is expected to continue as per FAO projections. Some of the major challenges confronting date …

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Should We Eat Meat? Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory

Meat eating is often a contentious subject, whether considering the technical, ethical, environmental, political, or health-related aspects of production and consumption. This book is a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary examination and critique of meat consumption by humans, throughout their evolution and around the world. Setting the scene with a chapter on meat’s role in human evolution and its growing …

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