NCD Chicken Caesar Salad: 40% carbs 30% fat 30% protein and 500 calories

Recently the news reports seem to be exposing the Olympic athletes as partying out-of-control alcoholics. This is why the NCD has a "No Alcohol" rule. That and the fact that alcohol dehydrates your body making you age. Not good. The "trusted" agencies will tell you that you can drink 5 gallons of beer a month or 6 bottles of wine, as this is considered moderation. The NCD says, "Moderation is Too Much". The NCD also says, "Drinking alcohol is a Scam - you lose." So, this puts the NCD at odds with the mainstream, the culture, and the "trusted" authorities. However, the NCD is leading the way, and you will likely see people cleaning themselves up. In fact, Miley Cyrus has announced that she has stopped partying. Many people make money off you being stupid. But there's hope. The NCD is all about being a Clear Thinking Individual which is the opposite of our "cool" lemming-like culture. Trust me, becoming a clear-thinking individual will protect you from a lot of problems in life. Whereas being a lemming, will just have you jumping off a cliff with all the other lemmings. With regard to this recipe: Omit the empty-calorie croutons, but instead have flourless sprouted bread with strawberry jam! Mmmm! Now that's a Party. And just-so-ya-know: Jam is the correct word.Jam is made with crushed fruit.Jelly is made with fruit juice.

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