A Path In My Garden

As a young child, the excitement of gardening churned inside of me. I found the experience to be highly educational; as well as productive. Watching plants shoot up from the soil, by planting seeds, was magical. The thrill of growing fruits, and vegetables for consumption, was a additional plus. As I grew up, moving onward with my life, my love for gardening grew. In the late 1980's, I knew very little about organic gardening; however it became my passion. Producing food without pesticides, fungicides was important to me. So I began researching in detail, self teaching my desire to learn. I found organic gardening to be basically a lot easier, than I had imagined. The process of growing vegetation is all about the same. However it's without the uses of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, etc... Not only is organic gardening more healthy, it's also environmentally friendly. My book isn't scientific, it merely scratches the surface, about my personal experiences, as a organic gardener. Within the pages I share healthful tips, and take you on a path in my garden, through my photography.Leading you into my crafty kitchen, where I share my own tried and true recipes with you.

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